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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thoughts on My Sister's Keeper

Relationships. We all have varying degrees of relationships with the people around us. For some we can share the most intimate thoughts, while for some whom we only share the mundane day-to-day activities required to make life supposedly easier. What we fail to realize is that these relationships do not last long and once the bonds formed in these relationships are strained, it will take a huge turn of events in order to mend the bond.

My Sister's Keeper is a story about relationships. The complexity of the story does not only end with the Fitzgerald family, who are the main characters in the book. It also extended to Alex and Julia. Jodi Picoult was able to mesh an intricate web of relationships with the addition of emotional attachment. I have to admit I was distressed after reading the book. Never did I imagine a sudden plot twist as what I have read in the last few pages of  My Sister's Keeper.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Year 2013: The Year that Was

I think that the best way to start the year is to have a retrospect of what happened in the past year. You try to weigh-in your accomplishments, changes, and unattained goals that you want to continue this year. But for me, another reason why I want to do this is because I didn't really like 2013.

If I compare 2013 with 2012, I have to say that the 2012 me was more energetic and active. I think I had a lot more of accomplishments in 2012 than in 2013. But I guess the reason why I feel that way is because of the events that happened in 2013.

I wasn't really able to reel in to what happened in the first quarter of 2013. It had a domino effect towards the year. I was passive in almost everything. And I was afraid. What's worse was that I didn't end the year right. I did a lot of stupid things in the last months of the year. At the time I was doing, I only thought that moment, but I didn't really think of the consequence or what might happen after that.

If there is a consolation, I think the best part of 2013 was that I my network broaden. I met so many people last year and I just realized how important communication is. I hope that this year I get to meet more people as I try to venture to things I believe I'm passionate about.

That's one more thing. Passion. I haven't really thought of what I'm passionate about. But now, I'm banking on two things. I want to focus on these for this year.

I'm not good at keeping resolutions, so I'll do what Gretchen Rubin did in her book. Every month she had a new set of resolutions. I have mine too, and I'll dedicate another blog for that.

With that all said and done, I say goodbye 2013 and hello 2014 :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

In the Hope of a Fresh Start

About a few weeks ago, I read Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project". For a period of one year, she was able to accomplish a list of resolutions which gradually improved her happiness. Because of her work, I am inspired to follow her.

One of her resolutions was to keep a blog. I've made a couple of blogs before, but I never really updated them. Now being inspired with Gretchen Rubin's work, I'll try my best to update this blog.

This blog will contain the most random of things. But surely, this blog will contain my opinion about almost anything under the sun. I think what's different about this blog is my purpose to write. Before, I wrote because I wanted people to follow me. Now, after too many failed attempts of creating a blog, I realized that I should write first for myself. Because at the end of the day, the primary purpose of this blog is to view the world through my own perspective, my own lens.