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Thursday, January 2, 2014

In the Hope of a Fresh Start

About a few weeks ago, I read Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project". For a period of one year, she was able to accomplish a list of resolutions which gradually improved her happiness. Because of her work, I am inspired to follow her.

One of her resolutions was to keep a blog. I've made a couple of blogs before, but I never really updated them. Now being inspired with Gretchen Rubin's work, I'll try my best to update this blog.

This blog will contain the most random of things. But surely, this blog will contain my opinion about almost anything under the sun. I think what's different about this blog is my purpose to write. Before, I wrote because I wanted people to follow me. Now, after too many failed attempts of creating a blog, I realized that I should write first for myself. Because at the end of the day, the primary purpose of this blog is to view the world through my own perspective, my own lens.

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