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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Year 2013: The Year that Was

I think that the best way to start the year is to have a retrospect of what happened in the past year. You try to weigh-in your accomplishments, changes, and unattained goals that you want to continue this year. But for me, another reason why I want to do this is because I didn't really like 2013.

If I compare 2013 with 2012, I have to say that the 2012 me was more energetic and active. I think I had a lot more of accomplishments in 2012 than in 2013. But I guess the reason why I feel that way is because of the events that happened in 2013.

I wasn't really able to reel in to what happened in the first quarter of 2013. It had a domino effect towards the year. I was passive in almost everything. And I was afraid. What's worse was that I didn't end the year right. I did a lot of stupid things in the last months of the year. At the time I was doing, I only thought that moment, but I didn't really think of the consequence or what might happen after that.

If there is a consolation, I think the best part of 2013 was that I my network broaden. I met so many people last year and I just realized how important communication is. I hope that this year I get to meet more people as I try to venture to things I believe I'm passionate about.

That's one more thing. Passion. I haven't really thought of what I'm passionate about. But now, I'm banking on two things. I want to focus on these for this year.

I'm not good at keeping resolutions, so I'll do what Gretchen Rubin did in her book. Every month she had a new set of resolutions. I have mine too, and I'll dedicate another blog for that.

With that all said and done, I say goodbye 2013 and hello 2014 :)

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